Free Means Free
It has been my intention tp freely provide this resource to church guitarists. I just discovered that some of my old links to Score Exchange were still working. I thought I had transfered everything to the Sibelius Cloud, which will play the arrangement on a computerized guitar for free. I changed things from Score Exchange to the cloud when Score Exchange changed their policy and required all the music they handle to have a minimum charge. No more give aways for them. It required a lot of sleepy point and click mouse work to change 90 arrangements to the cloud, but I thought I had finished it. Evidently not. I was showing a guitar student how to play and or print music directly from my website the other day and up comes the Score Exchange version. I just went through everything (I think - it is still sleep inducing work for me) and I think all the little music note icons will take you to the cloud where you cah hear the music as the cursor tracks through the arrangement. In case you should run across a link that doesn't work properly, please send me an email so I can fix it. Thanks.
I have now been retired about two and a half months. Teachers went back to work a couple of days ago, and so the retirement is sinking in deeper, rather than simply feeling like summer vacation. I do intend to get back to making more arrangements and adding to this website, but I still have a long "to do list" that I have been slowly attacking, and there is always something to do in the gardens. We have no lawn or lawn mower. Our city lot is all gardens: vegetables, perrennials, fruit trees and bushes, and butterfly gardens. That takes much of my time during the growing and harvest seasons. I did a retreat right after retirement and I believe God has lots of music in store for me. I just need to stay open to the doors He opens and say, "Yes." So look for more arrangements. God willing, they will come in His time.
Until then, I wish you all
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